Senin, 16 Mei 2011

The Rolling Stone

The Rolling Stones mulai menyebut diri mereka "World's Greatest Rock & Roll Band" di Sixties, dan hanya sedikit berdebat dengan mereka - bahkan saat itu. Lebih dari 40 tahun kemudian, musik band terus suara vital. Dengan harfiah puluhan hits genre-pengaturan di bawah ikat pinggang kelompok - dan fronted oleh dua arketipe rock terbesar - Rolling Stones berbuat lebih banyak untuk mendefinisikan tampilan, sikap dan suara rock & roll dari band lain dalam sejarah genre.
Pada tahun 1964 British Invasion Stones dipromosikan sebagai anak-anak nakal, gimmick yang terjebak sebagai gambar tak terhapuskan (sebagian karena itu benar). Musik mereka dimulai sebagai sebuah gruffer, versi lebih cepat dari blues Chicago, tapi akhirnya Stones dipelopori nada rock Inggris tentang detasemen ironis dan menulis tentang kebrutalan begitu saja, seks sebagai kekuatan, dan tabu lainnya. Jagger adalah yang paling appropriator sadar diri yakin pelaku hitam 'seksualitas up-depan; Keith Richards' riffing Chuck Berry yang diturunkan pasti ritme gitar rock (belum lagi irama rock gitar), dan bagian irama pendukung Bill Wyman dan Charlie Watts mengadakan segala sesuatu bersama-sama, membuat remaja yakin bisa menari apa Mick dan Keith memimpikan. Setelah tujuh puluhan, Stones kehilangan aura berbahaya mereka, tapi tidak sakit popularitas mereka: Mereka telah menjadi ikon dari dekadensi, elegan tdk bermoral dunia-lelah, negarawan tua yang memenuhi arena baik ke tahun 2000-an.
Jagger dan Richards pertama kali bertemu di Dartford Sekolah Dasar County orang yg terlalu tinggi. Ketika mereka berlari ke masing-masing 10 tahun lain kemudian pada tahun 1960, mereka berdua penggemar setia American blues dan R & B, dan mereka menemukan bahwa mereka memiliki seorang teman di gitaris Dick Taylor, sesama mahasiswa dari Richards 'di Sidcup Art School. Jagger sedang menghadiri London School of Economics dan bermain di Little Boy Blue dan Blue Boys dengan Taylor. Richards bergabung dengan band sebagai gitaris kedua, segera setelah itu, ia dikeluarkan dari Dartford Technical College untuk pembolosan.
Sementara itu, Brian Jones mulai bolos sekolah di Cheltenham untuk berlatih bebop alto saksofon dan klarinet. Pada saat ia berusia 16 tahun, ia telah menjadi ayah dua anak haram dan lari sebentar ke Skandinavia, di mana ia mulai bermain gitar. Kembali di Cheltenham ia bergabung dengan Ramrods, kemudian melayang ke London dengan pacarnya dan salah satu anak-anaknya. Dia mulai bermain dengan Alexis Korner's Blues, Inc, kemudian memutuskan untuk memulai band sendiri, sebuah ingin iklan menarik pianis Ian Stewart (b. 1938; d. 12 Desember 1985).

Sebagai Elmo Lewis, Jones mulai bekerja di Ealing Blues Club, di mana ia berlari ke kemudian, versi longgar merajut of Blues, Inc, yang pada saat itu termasuk drummer Charlie Watts. Jagger dan Richards mulai jamming dengan Blues, Inc, dan sementara Jagger, Richards, dan Jones mulai berlatih sendiri, Jagger menjadi penyanyi dengan fitur Blues, Inc
Jones, Jagger, dan Richards berbagi, apartemen kecil murah London, dan dengan drummer Tony Chapman mereka memotong sebuah demo tape, yang ditolak oleh EMI. Taylor kiri untuk menghadiri Royal College of Art; ia akhirnya membentuk Pretty Things. pekerjaan Ian Stewart dengan sebuah perusahaan kimia terus sisa kelompok dari kelaparan. Pada saat Taylor kiri, mereka mulai menyebut diri mereka the Rolling Stones, setelah lagu Muddy Waters.
Pada tanggal 12 Juli 1962, Rolling Stones - Avory Jagger, Richards, Jones, Dick kembali Taylor pada bass, dan Mick, kemudian The Kinks, pada drum - memainkan pertunjukan pertama mereka di Marquee. Avory dan Taylor digantikan oleh Tony Chapman dan Bill Wyman, dari Cliftons. Chapman tidak berhasil, dan band ini menghabiskan bulan merekrut Charlie Watts hati-hati, yang bekerja untuk sebuah agen periklanan dan meninggalkan Blues, Inc ketika jadwal yang punya terlalu sibuk. Pada bulan Januari 1963 Watts selesai band.
Pengusaha lokal Giorgio Gomelsky membukukan Stones di rumahnya Crawdaddy Club untuk residensi, delapan bulan yang sangat sukses. Dia juga manajer tak resmi mereka sampai laguna Andrew Oldham, dengan pembiayaan dari Eric Easton, menandatangani mereka sebagai klien. Pada saat itu The Beatles adalah sensasi Inggris, dan Oldham memutuskan untuk mempromosikan Stones sebagai lawan jahat mereka. Ia menyelinap keluar Stewart ringan-santun, yang kemudian menjadi roadie Stones dan sesi sering dan pianis tur.
Pada bulan Juni 1963 Stones merilis single pertama mereka, Chuck Berry's "Come On." Setelah band yang dimainkan di acara rock TV Inggris Terima Your Lucky Stars, produser yang dilaporkan mengatakan kepada Oldham menyingkirkan "bahwa penyanyi keji yang tampak dengan ban-tapak bibir." Single ini mencapai Nomor 21 pada chart Inggris. The Stones juga muncul di Jazz Nasional tahunan pertama dan Blues Festival di borough London Richmond dan pada bulan September adalah bagian dari paket wisata dengan Everly Brothers, Bo Diddley, dan Little Richard. Pada bulan Desember 1963 Stones 'single kedua, "I Want Be Your Man" (ditulis oleh John Lennon dan Paul McCartney), membuat Top Inggris 15. Pada bulan Januari 1964 headlining Stones melakukan tur Inggris pertama mereka, dengan Ronettes, dan merilis versi dari Buddy Holly "Tidak Fade Away," yang membuat Nomor Tiga.
"Tidak Fade Away" juga membuat chart US single (Nomor 48). Pada saat band ini telah menjadi sensasi di Inggris, dengan pers gembira melaporkan bahwa anggota band telah dilihat buang air kecil di depan umum. Pada bulan April 1964 album pertama mereka dirilis di Inggris, dan dua bulan kemudian mereka melakukan tur pertama mereka di Amerika. menutupi mereka dari Bobby Womack / lagu Valentinos "It's All Over Now" adalah Nomor Inggris Satu, pertama mereka. Juni tur Amerika mereka sukses menghancurkan, di Chicago, di mana mereka akan singgah untuk merekam Lima oleh Lima EP di studio Records Catur, kerusuhan pecah ketika band mencoba untuk memberikan konferensi pers. versi The Rolling Stones 'dari standar blues "Little Red Rooster," yang telah menjadi lain Nomor Inggris Satu, dilarang di AS karena "keberatan" nya lirik.
Jagger dan Richards sekarang telah mulai menyusun lagu-lagu sendiri (pada awalnya menggunakan "Nanker Phelge" samaran untuk komposisi kelompok). Mereka "Tell Me (Kau Datang Kembali ke Me)" pertama kali kelompok US Top 40 hit, pada bulan Agustus. The tindak lanjut, sebuah nonoriginal, "Apakah Waktu di Side saya," dibuat Nomor Enam pada bulan November. Sejak saat itu, semua kecuali segelintir hits Stones Jagger-Richards komposisi.

Pada Januari 1965 mereka "The Last Time" menjadi lain Nomor Inggris One dan retak Top AS 10 di musim semi. berikutnya "Kepuasan (I Can't Get No)," The band tunggal, memerintah di Nomor Satu selama empat minggu yang musim panas dan tetap mungkin lagu yang paling terkenal di kanon yang luar biasa. Jagger dan Richards terus menulis hits dengan lirik yang semakin canggih: "Get Off My Cloud" (Nomor Satu, 1965), "Sebagai Tears Go By" (Nomor Enam, 1965), "Nervous Breakdown 19" (Nomor Dua, 1966), "Little Helper Ibu" (Nomor Delapan, 1966), "Have You Seen Your Mother, Baby, Berdiri di Shadow itu?" (Nomor Sembilan, 1966).
Setelah, LP Batu pertama semua bahan asli, keluar tahun 1966, meskipun dampaknya diperkecil oleh rilis simultan dari Beatles Revolver dan Bob Dylan Blonde on Blonde. Timur Tengah-biruan "Paint It, Black" (1966) dan balada "Ruby Tuesday" (1967), keduanya US Nomor Satu hits.
Pada bulan Januari 1967 Stones menimbulkan sensasi lain ketika mereka tampil "Mari Habiskan Malam Bersama" ("Ruby Tuesday" 's side B) di The Ed Sullivan Show. Jagger bergumam baris judul setelah ancaman sensor (sebagian menyatakan bahwa jalur ini disensor, yang lain yang sebenarnya Jagger menyanyikan "Mari kita meluangkan waktu bersama-sama"; Jagger kemudian berkata, "Ketika datang ke baris tersebut, saya bernyanyi bergumam"). Pada bulan Februari Jagger dan Richards ditangkap atas tuduhan kepemilikan obat di Inggris, pada bulan Mei, Brian Jones, juga ditangkap. Kalimat penjara berat yang mereka terima akhirnya dihentikan naik banding. The Stones sementara mengundurkan diri dari penampilan publik; Jagger dan pacarnya, penyanyi Marianne Faithfull, pergi ke India dengan The Beatles untuk memenuhi Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. rilis berikutnya single The Rolling Stones 'tidak muncul sampai jatuh: ". Dandelion" Nomor 14 sisi B nya, "Cinta Kita Kau" (Nomor 50), di mana John Lennon dan Paul McCartney menyanyikan vokal cadangan, itu dimaksudkan sebagai ucapan terima kasih untuk fans.
Pada bulan Desember datang mereka Satanic Meminta Mulia, Stones 'psychedelic jawaban merekam ke The Beatles' Sgt. Pepper - dan kekacauan ambisius. Pada saat album tunggal tunggal, "Dia seorang Rainbow" telah menjadi Nomor 25 hit, Allen Klein telah menjadi manajer grup.
Mei 1968 merilis "Jumpin 'Jack Flash," sebuah Tiga Nomor hit, dan kembali ke dasar rock & roll. Setelah lima bulan keterlambatan dipicu oleh foto album-lengan kontroversial, Pengemis eklektik perjamuan dirilis dan dipuji oleh para kritikus sebagai pencapaian band terbaik. Pada tanggal 9 Juni 1969, Brian Jones, anggota Stones 'paling musik petualang, yang telah dipinjamkan sitar, Dulcimer, dan, pada "Under My Thumb," marimba untuk suara band, dan yang telah di Maroko rekaman musisi nomaden Joujouka, meninggalkan band dengan penjelasan ini: "Saya tidak lagi melihat mata-untuk-mata dengan yang lain selama cakram kita potong." Dalam seminggu ia digantikan oleh mantan gitaris John Mayall-Mick Taylor. Jones mengumumkan bahwa ia akan membentuk band sendiri, tapi pada tanggal 3 Juli 1969, dia ditemukan tewas di kolam renang nya; laporan koroner dikutip "mati oleh kecelakaan." Jones, dilanda oleh masalah narkoba - dan kesadaran bahwa band yang sekarang milik jujur ​​untuk Jagger dan Richards - baru saja berpartisipasi dalam sesi perjamuan Pengemis.
Pada konser terbuka di Hyde Park London beberapa hari setelah kematian Jones ', Jagger membaca kutipan dari penyair Shelley dan ribuan kupu-kupu dirilis atas taman. Pada tanggal 11 Juli, sehari setelah Jones dimakamkan, Stones merilis "Honky Tonk Women," lain Nomor Satu, dan lain klasik Stones. Pada saat ini, setiap album Stones pergi emas dalam waktu singkat, dan Let It Bleed (balasan sinis untuk segera-to-be-dirilis Let It Be The Beatles ') tidak terkecuali. "Gimme Shelter" menerima diputar konstan. Jones muncul di sebagian besar trek album, meskipun Taylor juga membuat penampilan pertamanya pada-disk.
Setelah pergi ke Australia untuk membintangi film Ned Kelly, Jagger bergabung kembali dengan band untuk memulai sangat sukses tur 1969 Amerika, pertama band US perjalanan dalam tiga tahun. Tetapi Stones 'gambar setan datang menghantui mereka di sebuah konser terima gratis-kau-Amerika di California Speedway Altamont. Dalam kegelapan hanya di depan panggung, seorang pemuda kulit hitam, Meredith Hunter, ditikam sampai mati oleh anggota geng sepeda motor Hell's Angels, siapa Stones - nasihat dari Grateful Dead - telah menyewa untuk memberikan keamanan untuk acara . Insiden ini terekam dalam film oleh saudara Maysles dalam film dokumenter fitur-panjangnya Gimme Shelter. protes publik yang "Simpati untuk Iblis" (yang mereka telah melakukan sebelumnya dalam pertunjukan, mereka sedang bermain "Under My Thumb" ketika pembunuhan terjadi) telah dalam beberapa cara menghasut kekerasan memimpin Stones untuk menjatuhkan lagu dari panggung mereka menunjukkan untuk enam tahun ke depan.
Setelah mantra lain tidak aktif, Get Yer Ya-Ya's Out! album live dirilis pada musim gugur 1970 dan pergi platinum. Pada tahun yang sama Stones membentuk mereka sendiri Rolling Stones Records, sebuah anak perusahaan Atlantik. album pertama band ini untuk label sendiri, Sticky Fingers (Nomor Satu, 1971) - yang memperkenalkan mereka Andy Warhol - dirancang bibir-dan-terkulai-lidah logo - dihasilkan hits di "Brown Sugar" (Nomor Satu, 1971) dan "Wild Kuda "(Nomor 28, 1971). Jagger, yang telah membintangi pada tahun 1970 Nicolas Roeg Kinerja (soundtrack yang berisi "Memo From Turner"), menikah dengan model fashion Nikaragua Bianca Perez Morena de Macias, dan pasangan menjadi favorit internasional jet-set. Meskipun banyak ditafsirkan penerimaan Jagger dalam masyarakat tinggi belum tanda lain bahwa batu telah mati, atau setidaknya Stones telah kehilangan mereka percikan, Exile on Main Street (Nomor Satu, 1972), sebuah album ganda, satu lagi hit kritis diakui, menghasilkan "Tumbling Dice" (Nomor Tujuh) dan "Happy" (Nomor 22). Pada saat ini Stones adalah berkeliling Amerika sekali setiap tiga tahun; 1972 ekstravaganza mereka, seperti yang pada tahun 1975, 1978, dan 1981, adalah urusan terjual habis.
Kambing Kepala Sup (Nomor Satu, 1973) adalah disebut upaya band terburuk sejak Setan Mulia oleh para kritikus, namun terkandung hits dalam "Angie" (Nomor Satu, 1973) dan "(Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo) Heartbreaker" (Nomor 15, 1974). Ini Hanya Rock n 'Roll (Nomor Satu, 1974) menghasilkan Top 20 hits di lagu judul dan penutup dari Temptations' "Bukankah Terlalu Bangga Beg." Mick Taylor meninggalkan band setelah album itu, dan setelah mencoba puluhan sessionmen (banyak di antaranya muncul di LP berikutnya, 1976's Black and Blue), Stones diselesaikan pada Ron Wood, itu masih nominal berkomitmen untuk Rod Stewart dan Wajah (yang dibubarkan segera setelah Kayu bergabung dengan Stones resmi tahun 1976). Pada tahun 1979 Richards dan Wood, dengan drummer Meter Ziggy Modeliste dan fusi bassist Stanley Clarke, tur sebagai barbar Baru.
Black and Blue LP kelima berturut-turut Stones 'materi baru ke puncak chart album, meskipun hanya berisi satu hit single, Nomor 10 "Fool ke Cry." Wyman, yang telah merilis album solo 1974, Monkey Grip (Batu pertama yang melakukannya), mencatat lain, Stone Alone. Jagger guested pada "Saya Bisa Rasakan Api" di solo Wood LP pertama, aku Got My Own Album ke Do. Kayu sejak mencatat beberapa album, dan sementara tidak ada yang hits komersial (Gimme Beberapa Leher memuncak pada Nomor 45 tahun 1979), karyanya pada umumnya diterima dengan baik.
Lirik etnis-stereotip judul lagu dari Beberapa Girls (Nomor Satu, 1978) memprovokasi protes publik (protes terakhir ini pada tahun 1976 lebih dari kampanye iklan Black and Blue's butut-wanita). Selain dari crossover disko "Miss You" (Nomor Satu), musik rock bertelanjang tulang & roll - di respon, beberapa berspekulasi, untuk klaim gerakan punk bahwa band ini terlalu tua dan terlalu kaya rock lagi.

Richards dan istri lamanya bersama-hukum, Anita Pallenburg, ditangkap Maret 1977 di Kanada untuk kepemilikan heroin - membahayakan masa depan band - tetapi ia kemudian menendang kebiasaan dan pada tahun 1978 diberi hukuman percobaan.
Pada tahun 1981 Tattoo Anda adalah Nomor Satu selama sembilan minggu (Rescue Emotional tahun 1980-an juga pergi ke Nomor Satu) dan menghasilkan hits "Start Me Up" (Nomor Dua, 1981) dan "Menunggu di Teman" (Nomor 13, 1981), yang terakhir menampilkan jazz besar Sonny Rollins pada saksofon tenor. Tur 1981 melahirkan album, Still Life, dan film, Mari Habiskan Malam Bersama (disutradarai oleh Hal Ashby), yang grossed $ 50 juta.
Melalui tahun 1980-an kelompok menjadi lebih sebuah lembaga daripada kekuatan berpengaruh. Namun demikian, baik Pekerjaan Undercover (Nomor Empat, 1983) dan Dirty (Nomor Empat, 1986) yang hits bermutu meskipun tidak topping grafik, karena setiap album studio baru telah dilakukan dalam dekade sebelumnya. Setiap album yang dihasilkan hanya satu Top 20 hit, "Undercover of the Night" (Nomor Sembilan, 1983) dan "Harlem Shuffle" (Nomor Lima, 1986), remake yang terakhir 1964 hit kecil oleh Bob dan Earl.
Jagger dan Richards tumbuh terasing dari satu sama lain, dan band ini tidak akan merekam selama tiga tahun. Jagger merilis album solo pertamanya, platinum Dia Bos, pada tahun 1984. Nya kedua, 1987's Primitive Cool, bahkan tidak mematahkan Top 40. Richards, yang sudah lama menyatakan ia tidak akan pernah melakukan album solo (dan yang marah Jagger membuat musik band luar), balas pada tahun 1988 dengan Talk emas Apakah Murah, didukung oleh WinOS X-termenung: gitaris Waddy Wachtel dan bagian irama Steve Jordan dan Charley Drayton.
Kedua Stones dikecam satu sama lain dalam pers dan dalam lagu: lagu album Richards '"You Don't Move Me" diarahkan pada mitra lama-nya. Namun demikian, sesaat sebelum Rolling Stones telah dilantik ke Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, pada bulan Januari 1989 kedua pergi ke Barbados untuk mulai menulis lagu untuk album Stones baru. Roda Steel (Nomor Tiga, 1989) menunjukkan kelompok roda pemintalan musik, dan tidak untuk tur Amerika pertama band ini dalam delapan tahun, diragukan LP akan menjual di dekat 2 juta nya eksemplar. Tapi tur 50-date, yang dilaporkan grossed $ 140 juta merupakan kemenangan artistik. Sebagai album kelima hidup kelompok, Flashpoint (Nomor 16, 1991), menunjukkan, tidak pernah memiliki Stones terdengar begitu kohesif panggung.
Bill Wyman mengumumkan keputusannya lama-dikabarkan meninggalkan kelompok setelah 30 tahun, pada tahun 1992 akhir. "Saya cukup senang berhenti setelah itu," kata bassis 56 tahun sebuah acara TV Inggris. Pengumuman membantu mengalihkan perhatian dari kehidupan cinta Wyman's: Pada tahun 1989 ia menikah dengan model Mandy Smith, yang baru saja 13 ketika dua mulai berkencan. Pasangan yang bercerai pada 1990, tahun yang sama bahwa Mick Jagger akhirnya menikah kekasih lamanya, Jerry Hall. (Jagger dan Hall nanti akan berpisah.)
Awal 1990-an adalah waktu untuk album solo dari Richards - Live di Hollywood Palladium dan Main Offender (Nomor 99, 1992) dan Jagger Berkelana Roh (Nomor 11, 1993). Baik dijual spektakuler, tampaknya fans yang paling tertarik pada Jagger dan Richards ketika mereka bekerja bersama-sama. Kayu dirilis Slide pada ini, album solo pertamanya di lebih dari satu dekade, dan Watts mengejar cinta yang sebenarnya, jazz, dengan Charlie Watts Orchestra.
Pada tahun 1994 Jagger, Richards, Watts, dan Wood, bersama dengan bassist Darryl Jones (kredit yang mencakup kerja sama dengan Miles Davis dan Sting) merilis kritis diterima dengan baik Voodoo Lounge (Nomor Dua, 1994) dan memulai tur besar yang terbukti salah satu yang tertinggi-terlaris tahun, penghasilan yang dilaporkan sebesar 295 juta. Voodoo Lounge membawa Stones Grammy pertama mereka kompetitif, Best 1994's Rock Album penghargaan. Voodoo Lounge juga rilis pertama grup di bawah baru bernilai jutaan dolar perusahaan-, tiga album berurusan dengan Virgin Records, yang termasuk pemberian Perawan hak untuk beberapa album pilihan dari katalog belakang Stones, termasuk Exile on Main Street, Sticky Fingers, dan Beberapa Girls.
Setelah merana dalam penyimpanan selama hampir tiga dekade, Rolling Stones 'Rock & Roll Circus konser soundtrack film dan dirilis pada tahun 1996, yang menampilkan Stones di era Pengemis perjamuan, dan tokoh-tokoh batuan lain - Siapa, Jethro Tull, John Lennon dan Yoko Ono, Eric Clapton, Taj Mahal, dan banyak lagi - serta berbagai akrobat, pemakan api, dan seniman sirkus lain yang melakukan rutinitas antara lagu.
Sementara itu, kembali ke selang waktu standar mereka tiga tahun antara wisata, Stones dirilis Jembatan ke Babel (Nomor Tiga, 1997, platinum 19 mereka LP) dan meluncurkan lagi mewah, terjual habis tur di seluruh dunia, di mana mereka bermain konser dua jam hanya terdiri dari beberapa lagu dari album baru dan banyak hits. sponsor Perusahaan terutama intens: Sprint pembawa jarak jauh, misalnya, membayar $ 4 juta untuk mencetak logo perusahaan pada tiket dan spanduk panggung. Pada tahun 1998 Stones merilis album tur wajib, No Keamanan.
Pada tahun 1997 Richards coproduced dan bermain di sayap Angels, sebuah album rohaniwan Rastafarian; guested, dengan gitaris Elvis Presley Scotty Moore, pada Pria Semua Raja, penghargaan untuk Presley, dan dengan sisa Stones, dimainkan di BB King's Deuces Wild . Perakitan akar-band rock Rhythm Kings, dengan Peter Frampton dan Georgie Fame duduk di, Bill Wyman mengeluarkan tiga album di akhir 90-an. Watts melanjutkan perjalanan jazz dengan penawaran orkestra 1996, Long Ago dan Far Away, dan kemudian forayed ke dunia memukul dengan kolaborasi 2000 dengan sesi drummer veteran Jim Keltner. karier rekaman Mick Taylor kembali, sebagai mantan Batu mengeluarkan rilis Stonesy dengan Carla Olson.
Pada tahun 2000 "Kepuasan" diatapi sebuah Poll VH1 dari 100 Greatest Rock Songs. Jagger mendapat perhatian lebih dalam kolom sosial. Pada tahun 1999 model Brazil 29 tahun Luciana Gimenez Morad mengaku bahwa dia hamil dengan anaknya; Jagger tidak setuju. Jerry Hall mengajukan gugatan cerai. Jagger, meskipun empat pasangan anak-anak, menyatakan bahwa mereka Hindu pernikahan tidak merupakan suatu perkawinan yang sah. Ketika anak Morad itu lahir, tes DNA menyimpulkan bahwa Jagger memang ayah anak itu. Pada tahun 2001 ia merilis album solo keempat, Dewi di Doorway (Nomor 39). Di pos-9-11 "Konser untuk New York City," yang diselenggarakan di Madison Square Garden pada 21 Oktober 2001, Jagger, Richards dan backing band dilakukan "Garam Dunia" dan "Miss You."
Pada tahun 2002, Stones Forty Licks dirilis, sebuah paket greatest hits termasuk empat lagu baru, dan memulai lagi tur lain, termasuk dua-satu di Toronto dan satu lagi di Hong Kong untuk manfaat korban wabah SARS. Pada bulan November 2003, band ini menandatangani kesepakatan yang memungkinkan rantai Best Buy untuk menjadi penjual eksklusif dokumen tur mereka 4-DVD Empat film. pengecer musik Beberapa di AS dan Kanada, termasuk Best Buy pesaing Circuit City dan 100 toko HMV Kanada, menanggapinya dengan menarik barang Stones dari rak mereka. Pada tahun 2004, Rolling Stone Stones menduduki peringkat nomor empat dalam "100 Artis Terbesar Sepanjang Masa," tepat di bawah The Beatles, Bob Dylan dan Elvis Presley.

Pada ulang tahun ke-62 Jagger, 26 Juli 2005, Stones mengumumkan mereka merilis album baru, A Bigger Bang (Nomor 3), diikuti oleh tur. Album ini termasuk lagu politik yang langka dari Jagger, "Sweet Neo Con," yang terik kritis terhadap pemerintahan Bush pasca Perang Irak taktik dan termasuk baris, "Anda mengatakan Anda adalah seorang patriot / saya berpikir bahwa Anda adalah tempayan dari sialan. "
A Stones 'Bigger Bang Tour dimulai pada bulan Agustus 2005 dan sampai dengan akhir tahun telah mengatur catatan tahun di $ 162.000.000 dalam penerimaan kotor. Tur mengambil band dari Utara dan Amerika Selatan ke Eropa, Asia dan bahkan 2006 Super Bowl. Tur berakhir dua tahun kemudian di London. Secara keseluruhan, tur Bigger Bang memperoleh $ mengejutkan 558.000.000, tur tertinggi terlaris sepanjang masa. Tur ini bukan tanpa kemunduran tersebut. Selama peregangan Selandia Baru, pada bulan Mei 2006, Richards dirawat di rumah sakit untuk operasi otak setelah dilaporkan jatuh dari pohon kelapa di Fiji. Pada bulan Juni, Wood pergi ke rehabilitasi untuk masalah alkohol.
The Stones merilis box set 4-CD, The Biggest Bang, pada Juni 2007, tetapi juga telah dijual secara eksklusif melalui Best Buy. The Very Best Of Mick Jagger, suatu koleksi karya solo penyanyi itu, keluar pada bulan Oktober 2007. Sementara Jagger juga ikut peran film yang dibintangi sepanjang karirnya, itu Richard yang memulai debut layar lebar di salah satu film terbesar tahun 2008, dan salah satu-film terlaris sepanjang masa, setelah menggambarkan ayah bajak laut dari Johnny Depp Captain Jack Sparrow di Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End.
Tahun berikutnya, pembuat film Martin Scorsese April 2008 dokumenter Shine Cahaya intim ditangkap kinerja tahun 2006 Stones 'Bigger Bang tinggal di New York City's Beacon Theater dari enam belas sudut kamera yang berbeda dan termasuk pertunjukan tamu oleh Christina Aguilera, Jack White, dan Buddy Guy. Sebuah soundtrack diakui disertai pelepasan dokumenter. Rolling Stone Shine a Light dirayakan dengan penutup yang menampilkan Jagger, Richards dan Jack White. Juga di tahun 2008, Rolling Stones mengungkapkan rencana untuk meninggalkan label lama mereka EMI untuk Universal Records, membawa dengan mereka mereka seluruh Sticky Fingers-dan-luar katalog.

Untuk memperingati ulang tahun ke-40 kinerja ditangkap pada Get Ya-Ya's Your Out!, Stones diterbitkan kembali album live mereka dengan lima lagu tambahan dari menunjukkan, ditambah disc bonus dengan kinerja membuka tindakan BB King dan Ike & Tina Turner dan sebuah DVD rekaman konser dan backstage. Sejak kaki 2007 dari A Bigger Bang Tour, namun sebagian besar Stones tetap tenang.Good Luck !

Sabtu, 27 Maret 2010

The Legend Of Scorpion

At the start of the new millennium and exactly 35 years since the foundation of Germany’s most successful hard rock band of all time, SCORPIONS Klaus Meine, Rudolf Schenker and Matthias Jabs can look back together on a spectacular career in the international music business.Like many youngsters born in post-war Germany, Klaus Meine and Rudolf Schenker were influenced by the music and other life-enhancing delights imported into their homeland by American GI’s – Elvis Presley, chewing gum, blue jeans and leather jackets, but most of all rock ‘n’ roll. From an early age, both of them had an irresistible urge to grab a guitar and step into the limelight. In the early 1960s the Beatles sparked off the beat revolution. By the mid-1960s Klaus Meine and Rudolf Schenker, both of whom were blessed with understanding parents, had also taken to the stage with their beat groups. In 1965 Rudolf Schenker started up the SCORPIONS in Hanover. Rudolf’s younger brother Michael Schenker was, like Matthias Jabs, smitten by beat music and the burgeoning rock culture. Guitarist and songwriter Rudolf Schenker’s earliest influences were the raw riffs of bands like The Yardbirds, Pretty Things and Spooky Tooth, who in those days were regarded as the real hard rockers.At New Year 1970, the younger Schenker brother Michael, who despite his youth had already established himself as an outstanding guitarist, left the Hanover-based group Copernicus, along with singer and composer Klaus Meine, to join Rudolf Schenker’s SCORPIONS. Rudolf Schenker and Klaus Meine teamed up to form the accomplished Schenker/Meine songwriting duo, so laying the foundations for a spectacular success story.In 1972, the SCORPIONS released their remarkable début album, Lonesome Crow, produced by Conny Plank in Hamburg. The vocal and instrumental ingredients which over the years were to develop into the typical, unmistakable SCORPIONS sound, were already recognisable: uncompromising, guitar-orientated hard rock, on the lines of what Jimmy Hendrix, Cream and Led Zeppelin generated in the mid-1960s. The distinctive SCORPIONS style came from the combination of two electric guitars, a fusion of fabulously forceful power riffs with dazzlingly exuberant guitar solos. Added to which was the instantly recognisable voice of singer and front man Klaus Meine with his highly expressive and polished delivery. In one respect, the SCORPIONS were unique on the German rock scene of the period. Because, right from the start, the band was aiming for the very top of the international hard rock business, Klaus Meine wrote all his lyrics in English. In the creative partnership of Rudolf Schenker and Klaus Meine Germany had finally found its answer to the famous beat and rock composing teams of the English-speaking world.The first album Lonesome Crow set the band on the path to international success.The SCORPIONS toured as support band with Rory Gallagher, Uriah Heep and UFO. Throughout their history Rudolf Schenker has been the unshakeable driving force behind the SCORPIONS. He adopted his father’s philosophy of life – nothing is impossible as long as you believe in it. Right from the foundation of the SCORPIONS, he had only one declared ambition: "one day the SCORPIONS will be one of the best heavy rock bands in the world!" It was an idea to which all the band members were committed. The SCORPIONS were constantly on the lookout for fresh challenges. Every change in the line-up was seen as an opportunity to move closer still to success and the achievement of absolute professionalism.In 1973, following a joint tour with UFO, Michael Schenker joined the British rock group. He was replaced as SCORPIONS lead guitarist by Ulrich Roth. He too was an exceptional guitar player with an almost mystical talent. With Ulrich Roth, the SCORPIONS continued unwaveringly to explore the hard rock genre.In the 1970s, the SCORPIONS undertook tours of Western Europe, playing countless venues and conquering one country after another. They would appear wherever there was somewhere to plug in their instruments.
In 1973, they accompanied The Sweet on their first European tour. The SCORPIONS went on to record their next four studio albums with Ulrich Roth. Fly to the Rainbow, (1974) features a solid, high-energy brand of heavy rock never before heard from a German band. The title track Speedy’s Coming typifies the SCORPIONS style of ultra-hard rock combined with catchy melodies. Beginning with their third LP In Trance, (1975), they began their working relationship with well-known international producer Dieter Dierks. They were firmly launched on their hard rock career. In Trance was the best-selling RCA album in Japan, where a regular SCORPION mania broke out.In 1975 the SCORPIONS toured Europe, sharing top billing with KISS. In Germany that same year, they were voted best live group. During their first UK tour in 1975, the SCORPIONS entered what might be called "the lion’s den", playing at Liverpool’s legendary Cavern Club. In the birthplace of hard rock, they succeeded in gaining the acceptance of the most dyed-in-the-wool British fans. Gigs at the renowned London venue, the Marquee, were further highpoints of the mid-1970s.The SCORPIONS achieved their ambition to be the top German hard rock band, when their fourth album Virgin Killer (1976) won the "LP of the Year" award in Germany. In Japan, Virgin Killer gained them their first Gold Disc. Their follow-up album Taken by Force (1977) was also awarded a Japanese Gold Disc. In 1978 the SCORPIONS toured Japan, the world’s second largest music market, where they got a foretaste of what it was like to be superstars. When they arrived at Tokyo airport, the five heavy metal men were mobbed by adoring fans. Ulrich Roth left the band after the 1978 Japanese tour. The highpoint and conclusion of the SCORPIONS’ Ulrich Roth period is the double album Tokyo Tapes (1978) which even now is cherished around the world as a collector’s item. Michael Schenker filled in briefly (he recorded several songs on Lovedrive (1979) until Matthias Jabs finally entered the fray.In 1978 an advertisement appeared in the Melody Maker: the SCORPIONS were looking for a new lead guitarist. In London, they auditioned 140 hopefuls, before deciding on Hanover-born Matthias Jabs. Thrown in at the deep end, Matthias Jabs immediately joined the band in recording Lovedrive (1979) which was then in production. The album was to be the group’s biggest triumph so far, and is still one the SCORPIONS’ best-ever albums. The sleeve received a prize for the best artwork of the year.In 1979, Michael Schenker rejoined the SCORPIONS for a short spell, but left the band while on tour. In 1980, he founded MSG, the Michael Schenker Group. Matthias Jabs once again leapt into the breach and achieved the amazing feat of learning, literally overnight, the entire programme for the current tour. His baptism of fire came when the SCORPIONS played to 55,000 fans as support act for Genesis on their German tour. In Matthias Jabs, the SCORPIONS had finally found the lead guitarist whose creativity, virtuosity and enthusiasm continue to make a decisive contribution to the band’s success. With him, the band achieved an even more solid sound. Like the missing piece in the jigsaw, his guitar style fitted to perfection into the group dynamic, creating the unique SCORPIONS sound. Klaus Meine, Rudolf Schenker and Matthias Jabs still form the musical backbone of the band. With bass man Francis Buchholz (who joined the SCORPIONS in 1973 at the same time as Ulrich Roth) and drummer Herman Rarebell (who first featured on Taken By Force in 1977), they finally established the combination that was to continue its victorious progress across the globe right up until Wind of Change.Already hailed as a super group during the 1978 tour of Japan, in 1979 the band, comprising Klaus Meine, Rudolf Schenker and Matthias Jabs, set out to conquer the vast US market. Their weapons: a professional attitude paired with a steely determination to succeed and a philosophy of friendship, both within the band and towards their fans, as well as great musicality.
As a rock band working on the international scene, the SCORPIONS had long since created their own musical identity. In the 1980s, the USA was the biggest market of all for hard and heavy rock. Since 1974, the SCORPIONS had built up a considerable following in the States. Van Halen launched their musical career in the mid-1970s with cover versions of SCORPIONS songs: Speedy’s Coming (from Fly to the Rainbow) and Catch Your Train (from Virgin Killer).In 1979, now professionally managed and boosted by the success of Lovedrive, the SCORPIONS with their definitive line-up – Klaus Meine, Rudolf Schenker and Matthias Jabs – embarked on their first major tour of USA rock arenas as opening act with Aerosmith, Ted Nugent and AC/DC. In Chicago, the SCORPIONS swapped the headliner billing with Ted Nugent, since the SCORPIONS had more fans in the city. On this first American tour, the SCORPIONS quickly learned the rules of the game in the international rock business.Their seventh album Lovedrive was released in the USA in 1979, and was the first SCORPIONS production to receive a Gold Disc there. Animal Magnetism followed in 1980. With the two albums, the band finally made their North American breakthrough. On their second US tour the SCORPIONS were top of the bill. The era of SCORPIONS monster tours had begun.After more successful world tours, in 1981, while recording Blackout, Klaus Meine lost his voice. Not wishing to stand in the way of the band’s success, Klaus Meine wanted to pull out. But the unshakeable friendship between Rudolf Schenker and Klaus Meine and the close and supportive relationship within the band allowed the seemingly impossible to happen. After lengthy vocal retraining and two operations on his vocal chords, Klaus Meine overcame the trauma. And that was not all: in 1982, he re-emerged with a much increased vocal range. One critic wrote: "They have given Klaus Meine metal vocal chords." The band’s decision to stand by their lead singer through this troubled time later proved to be the most crucial the SCORPIONS ever took in the their entire career. It was Klaus Meine who in 1989 composed their smash hit Wind of Change.In 1982, on their second US tour as headliners with Iron Maiden as support act, the SCORPIONS promoted their groundbreaking album Blackout, with Helnwein’s stunning sleeve design. The single No One Like You and the Blackout LP reached the US Top Ten, the LP was voted Best Hard Rock Album of the year and awarded a Platinum Disc. One hit followed another, and in the 1980s the SCORPIONS captured the hearts of hard rock fans around the world.In 1984 the SCORPIONS became the first German hard rock band to play three successive gigs in front of 60,000 fans at New York’s Madison Square Garden. The SCORPIONS had finally scaled the Mount Olympus of rock. With three albums featuring simultaneously in the US charts: Animal Magnetism (1980), Blackout, (1982) and Love at First Sting (1984), the SCORPIONS spent two years on the road playing as headliner or co-headliner at all the big rock festivals that sprang up around the world after Woodstock.The SCORPIONS toured the globe, with a fleet of articulated lorries, Nightliner buses, helicopters, private jets and the inevitable limos. Hanover’s heavy metal band played all the main rock venues in North, Central and South America and Europe. In Asia, they played in Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines and Japan. This was the golden age of heavy rock.With gigantic stage and light shows and dramatic firework effects, the SCORPIONS unleashed a pyrotechnic display of sound and light. Their relentless energy sent the fans wild. To US audiences, the SCORPIONS, with their polished, hard-edged "melodic rock" and Klaus Meine’s dramatic power singing with its dizzying top notes, came to epitomise the best in heavy rock. Groups like Bon Jovi, Metallica, Iron Maiden and Def Leppard, later to become mega bands, were support acts on the SCORPIONS’worldwide tours, learning what it meant for a band to hold its own in the rock arena in front of an audience of millions.
Love at First Sting became one of the most successful albums in rock history. It includes the SCORPIONS’ most electrifying numbers Rock You Like a Hurricane, Bad Boys Running Wild, and the masterpiece Still Loving You. The critics struggled for superlatives.Rolling Stone called the SCOPRIONS "the heroes of heavy metal".The SCORPIONS were admitted to the exclusive club of the world’s 30 greatest rock groups. Their ballad Still Loving You became an international rock anthem. In France alone, the single sold 1.7 million copies. The song unleashed a wave of hysteria among French fans not seen since the Beatles and became the SCORPIONS’ musical trademark around the globe.The SCORPIONS’ most memorable appearances as headliners were at the 1983 US Festival in California’s San Bernadino Valley in front of an audience of 325,000 and at the first Rock in Rio in 1985 where they were cheered by 350,000 enthusisatic South American SCORPIONS fans. The 1985 double album World Wide Live, a counterpart to the 1978 Tokyo Tapes, impressively documented the band’s more recent international triumphs.In 1986, the SCORPIONS topped the bill at the legendary Monsters of Rock Festival and played in the Hungarian capital Budapest, their first-ever appearance in an Eastern Block country. By now the SCORPIONS were a household name, with hard rock hits like Rock You Like a Hurricane, No One Like You, Blackout, Big City Nights, Dynamite, Bad Boys Running Wild, Coast to Coast and The Zoo featuring in the charts around the world. In the 1980s, the SCORPIONS created a kind of modern hard rock that is just as popular today.Their authentic power rock ballads, such as Still Loving You, Holiday and later Wind of Change, Send Me an Angel, When You Came Into My Life and You and I, along with acoustic based songs such as Always Somewhere and When the Smoke is Going Down have managed to win over even the most unyielding haters of hard rock Savage Amusement, the last album co-produced with Dieter Dierks, was released in 1988. It reached N° 3 in the US chart and N° 1 in Europe. Even after years of touring the USA and the rest of the world, the SCORPIONS did not rest on their laurels and continued to seek out fresh challenges.As a prelude to their 1988 Savage Amusement world tour, they penetrated the Iron Curtain to give 10 sell-out concerts in Leningrad for 350,000 Soviet fans. They were the first international hard rock band to play in the former USSR, cradle of Communism. Hard rock, heavy metal and especially the SCORPIONS’ ballad Still Loving You had already found their way through the Iron Curtain. The SCORPIONS are still given a rapturous reception in Russia today.A year later, in August 1989, 20 years after Woodstock, the Soviet authorities, encouraged by the success of the SCORPIONS’ 1988 Leningrad concert, gave permission for the legendary Moscow Music Peace Festival. Here, the SCORPIONS shared the stage with other international hard rock acts, including Bon Jovi, Mötley Crüe, Skid Row, Cinderella and Ozzy Osbourne and the Russian band Gorky Park playing to 260,000 Soviet rock fans in Moscow’s Lenin Stadium. In September 1989 Klaus Meine drew on his impressions of the Moscow Music Peace Festival, to create the SCORPIONS’ smash hit Wind of Change.Then, in November 1989, came a completely unexpected event. The fall of the Berlin Wall. Throughout the world, Wind of Change became the hymn to glasnost and perestroika, providing the soundtrack to the opening of the Iron Curtain, the fall of Communism and the end of the Cold War. One year later, in 1990, the SCORPIONS played in Potsdamer Platz where a section of the Wall once stood, in Roger Waters’s spectacular production, The Wall.The SCORPIONS recorded a Russian version of Wind of Change. They also gained a distinguished fan. In 1991, the members of the German band were invited to the Kremlin to meet Mikhail Gorbachev, the last Soviet head of state and party leader. It was a unique event in the history of the USSR and rock music.worldwide mega seller the Wind of Change CD, Crazy World (1990), their long relationship with Dieter Dierks, the Cologne-based producer of so many successful recordings, came to an end. The very first album to be produced by the SCORPIONS themselves, Crazy World, made in Los Angeles, co-produced by Keith Olsen and featuring the smash hit Wind of Change, immediately became the most successful CD to date. Not only was Crazy World the most successful album, Wind of Change was the worldwide top single of 1991, occupying the N° 1 slot in 11 countries. In 1992, they received the World Music Award as the most successful German rock act.Crazy World is impressive testimony to the songwriting talents of the SCORPIONS’ masterminds: Matthias Jabs’s contribution is the dynamic title track Tease Me, Please Me, while Rudolf Schenker once again proves his ability to hit the spot with his classic SCORPIONS ballad, Send Me an Angel, and Klaus Meine displays his brilliance as a composer in Wind of Change. At the end of the 1992 Crazy World tour, the SCORPIONS parted company with their long-time bass player Francis Buchholz. The 1993 CD Face the Heat (co-producer: Bruce Fairbairn), featured the band’s new bass man, conservatoire graduate Ralph Rieckermann.In 1994 the SCORPIONS again received a World Music Award. Yet another high point of their career came when, at the invitation of the family of the "King of Rock ‘n’ Roll", Priscilla and Lisa Marie Presley, and the "King of Pop", Michael Jackson, they performed their cover version of His Latest Flame at the 1994 Elvis Presley Memorial Concert in Memphis, Tennessee. In the same year the SCORPIONS committed themselves to helping United Nations efforts on behalf of refugees from the civil war in Rwanda. In only one week the band produced and released their benefit single White Dove.At the end of 1995, just before completing the Pure Instinct CD, co-produced by Keith Olsen and Erwin Musper and released in 1996, the SCORPIONS’ veteran drummer and long-time companion Herman "The German" Rarebell left the band.During the 1988 Savage Amusement tour, the US heavy metal band Kingdom Come, whose producer was Keith Olsen, had been a warm up act for the SCORPIONS. Even then, the Germans were impressed by the style of the group’s Californian drummer James Kottak. In 1995 the SCORPIONS engaged former AC/DC manager Stewart Young¸ and it fell to him to call James Kottak on the phone and hire him as drummer for the upcoming 1996/97 Pure Instinct Live Tour. James Kottak became the first American to play in the German rock band. With the two new members, bass player Ralph Rieckermann and drummer James Kottak, the SCORPIONS had introduced a new generation of musicians into the group.On the Pure Instinct world tour, the SCORPIONS proved that they were still among the global players on the international rock scene. Not only did they play in Europe, the USA and South America. In countries like Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines, they continued to notch up well above average record sales and collect gold and platinum discs. In November 1996, the SCORPIONS were the first international hard rock band to play to fans in Beirut after the end of the civil war in Lebanon.On the 1999 recording of Eye to Eye, produced by Peter Wolf, James Kottak worked in the studio with the SCORPIONS for the first time. The cover of Eye to Eye marked a change of image for the SCORPIONS. Only the founder members of the band, Rudolf Schenker, Klaus Meine and Matthias Jabs feature on the front cover. The album itself is a statement of the SCORPIONS’ awesome talents as songwriters and instrumentalists. Songs like Mysterious, Mind Like a Tree, Eye to Eye, Yellow Butterfly and A Moment in a Million Years show the band at the pinnacle of their creativity. With Du Bist So Schmutzig (You’re So Dirty), the SCORPIONS are heard for the first time singing a German lyric. As part of their 1999 Eye to Eye world tour, at the invitation of Michael Jackson, they played at the Michael Jackson and Friends benefit concert in Munich.True to their motto "Don’t stop at the top" the SCORPIONS are starting the new millennium with a new musical challenge: a crossover project with the internationally renowned classical orchestra, the Berlin Philharmonic, once conducted by the great Herbert von Karajan.In 1995, the Berlin Philharmonic was exploring the possibility of a crossover project and was on the lookout for a suitable band. Over the years even this classical orchestra had been aware of the SCORPIONS’ success and international reputation. The two Mercedes of German music agreed on a joint venture under the direction of the internationally successful crossover producer, composer, conductor and arranger, Austria’s Christian Kolonovits. As early as 1995 the SCORPIONS began their preparations. Since then, both groups of musicians have continued to working on the project, while still fulfilling current engagements around the world and bearing in mind the timing of EXPO 2000 in Hanover. After the release of the Eye to Eye CD in 1999 and the subsequent world tour, the SCORPIONS got down to serious business in the autumn of the same year.The SCORPIONS gave a foretaste of what is to come when, at the invitation of the German government, they played in front of Berlin’s Brandenburg Gate on 11 November 1999, the 10th anniversary of German reunification. Joining them in their performance of Wind of Change were 166 cellists. The work was conducted by the distinguished cello virtuoso Mstislav Rostropovich. In January 2000, the SCORPIONS and Christian Kolonovits began studio recordings in Vienna. The Berlin Philharmonic recorded the orchestral parts in April 2000. The complete work was mixed during April and May 2000 at the Galaxy Studios in Belgium, using the state-of-the-art Surround System Atmos 5.1.The crossover CD Moment of Glory, featuring the SCORPIONS with the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, was released on 19 June 2000. The first live performance took place at EXPO in Hanover on 22 June 2000. The album also includes the official EXPO anthem Moment of Glory.The enthusiasm and open-mindedness of the SCORPIONS with regard to their flirt with the classic-genre was not finished by any means. In February 2001 the band performed three concerts in a portuguese monastery. These concerts served as a basis for the new album Acoustica. The unusual choice of the recording location also pointed out the musical development of the extraordinary musicians: For the first time in their career the SCORPIONS did their performance without electric instruments to the greatest possible extent. Klaus Meine’s voice sounds pure and unadulterated rocking, together with Matthias Jabs and Rudolf Schenker playing their acoustic guitars. The recordings of the SCORPIONS in Portugal, together with some very special guest musicians belong to the greatest milestones in rock history. Not only the single "When love kills love", that was released on April 30, 2001, shows the outstanding quality of the SCORPIONS as performers and songwriters. The album Acoustica, that was released on May 14, 2001 contains real treasures: Besides four completely new titles, the greatest classics as "The zoo" and "Hurricane" show themselves in a new acoustic sound and impress as well as the brilliantly arranged cover-versions of bands like Queen or Kansas. 30 years in the rock ’n’ roll circus did not stop the band from exploring different projects in a refreshing, intelligent way. With the upswing of hardrock worldwide it was time to go back to where the band came from and to team up again with Dieter Dierks, the man who had played such an important part in the Scorpions’ history, producing many of those multi platinum albums in the 70s and 80s. There are two new songs that were specially recorded for this album. Bad for Good, is a new recording combining the classic Scorpions’ style with a new arrangement. Cause I Love You, is a typical Scorpions’ Rocker about a love affair with a guitar. The next studio album won’t be ready for a summer release, but the Scorpions have nevertheless booked an extensive co-headlining American tour with Deep Purple in summer 2002, with Ronnie James Dio in support. A brief hiatus in July, the same year, will allow the band to perform additional symphonic shows in Europe, including an appearance in Luxembourg at the start of the Tour de France. Reflecting on past accomplishments, the band feels fortunate to have been part of music history and participate in memorable shows. Headlining the biggest festivals in Europe from 1978. The "US"-Festival, Rock in Rio, the Monsters of Rock Tour with Van Halen and Metallica in 1988, Pink Floyd’s The Wall in Berlin 1990, the many performances associated with "Wind of Change. " The biggest audience, an amazing 750.000 fans, came to see the Scorpions rock Poland in 2000. But according to their motto "Don’t Stop At The Top" the band feels that there is always more to accomplish. "There are still some places we haven’t been" says guitarist Matthias Jabs. "Who knows? This year we may go to China!" As for other wishes, "It would be great if we could stay at the top in America and Europe," says Rudolf Schenker, but he is not ungrateful for the level of success the Scorpions have already achieved. "To be able to play our music for people all over the world makes us feel so good. We’re happy right now. " He can’t conjecture how many more years the Scorpions have in their future, but he’s sure they will make the most of their present. "The biggest challenge for us is to come up with a great rock record that will be an album in the best Scorpions tradition", vowing to continue as long as they have fun and the passion for performing motivates them. Klaus Meine surmises that the Scorpions will be remembered for that above all

Rabu, 27 Januari 2010

Album Hit's Memories Heintje Simon 1955

Heintje was born on 12th of August at Kerkrade, Bleijerheijde in The Netherlands.

The nine-year-old Heintje learned a lot from the jukebox-music of Robertino. A friend of his father, a bar keeper, took Heintje under his wing and arranged for him to perform in the Limburg's coalmine district. During a talent contest in the town of Schaesberg he sang that beautiful song "Mama" for all the mothers in the world. By coincidence, Willy Alberti was there and he was very impressed with Heintje's singing and promised him a golden future.

Addy Kleijngeld, a producer at the CNR record company, received a tip about a boy with a special voice in Bleijerheide. Addy went, with his accordion, to the café of Heintje's parents. Heintje was playing soccer when his mother called him, to greet "the man from the record-company". Addy asked Heintje to sing a song. After a rendition of "O sole mio", Addy said : "You can go back to play soccer. I've heard enough !". From then on, Addy picked-up Heintje every week, to rehearse at his home in Helmond.

After prepared 12 songs, Addy was ready to produce the first record. He promised Heintje to fulfill his wish, namely a pony, if he turned out his best work. After they taped the first song, Addy told Heintje he had earned a leg. Then the second leg, the tail, and finally the head. Heintje was in seventh heaven. He received his first pony, which he also named Addy.

The record was successful in Holland, and Addy went to his friend, the German producer Wolfgang Roloff. Together they produced a number of records in German, English and Afrikaans. With one exception, ALL the songs of Heintje are composed by Addy Kleijngeld and W. Roloff, and lyrics by Hans Hee (sometimes they used pen-names). Addy became Heintje's manager, and took care of contracts for the movies and for the TV show in America. Together with Heintje he went to Paris for TV appearance and accompanied him on all the German tours.Addy and his wife Annie were always there to take care of Heintje.

The song "Mama", released in October, became a great success. A star was born in Germany, where he only sang Dutch songs at first.
On December 21st, Heintje appeared for the first time on German TV, as guest in Vico Torriani's "Goldene Schuß".
He was unable to obtain a Dutch "performing license", so Heintje could not sing on TV in Holland, but because of a little film made in Germany, "Lausbub mit Stimme", it became possible for him to be on Dutch TV. Heintje's first LP became a reality !!!

In September, on the distribution of the "Golden Lions" of Radio Luxemburg, at the Gruga-Hall in Essen (Germany), Heintje received his first award : a GOLDEN lion.
On December 6 Heintje appears for the second time on Vico Torriani's "Goldene Schuß".
On December 13th, for sales of his records, Heintje received from the director of the record-company Ariola, 10 golden records in one go, consisting of :

* 5 x Heintje (LP) (1,250,000 sales)
* 3 x Weihnachten mit Heintje (LP) (750,000 sales)
* 1 x Mama (Single) (1,000,000 sales)
* 1 x Ich bau' dir ein Schloss (Single) (1,000,000 sales)

The movie "Hurra, die Schule brennt!" (School is on fire) was shown for the first time in December

On March 1, again Heintje reached the first place at the "Golden Lions" of Radio Luxemburg, and at the Gruga-Hall in Essen, he received his second golden lion.

In this year he also received the "Golden Europe" award in Wiesbaden (Germany), the 1th place of the "Schlagerpreis der Europawellen Saar".

In August, the Premier of the movie "Ein Herz geht auf reisen" (A heart goes on a journey) took place in Münich. In the mean time, the movies had subtitles added in several languages and were shown all over the world.

The whole family Simons moved to Belgium. As his father already had Belgian nationality, they were able to make their home' in Neu-Moresnet without any difficulty.

January 20. At the "Midem 70" in Cannes (France), at Hotel Majestic, Heintje received a platinum disc !!! He was the first European artist to achieve this astounding feat. The trophy was given for the sales of 2,000,000 of the LP "Heintje".

Also in the Netherlands he received his first golden records. On February 20, during a flight in a chartered aircraft, they presented him with 7 golden records, for the sale of 10,000,000 records !!!

In addition, in Germany, he received a further 6 golden records :

* 1 from Switzerland for 250,000 sales
* 1 from South-Africa for 250,000 sales
* 4 from the Netherlands for 1,000,000 sales

On March 1, during the "Grand Gala du Disque" in Amsterdam, Maurice Chevalier presented Heintje the "Edison". It is the highest award for artists in Holland. This was also Heintje's first "live-appearance" on Dutch television. He sung "Ich sing' ein Lied für dich".

After the "Lümmel" movies, there were 3 movies which were written for Heintje himself. In March, "Einmal wird die Sonne wieder scheinen" (Once the sun will shine again) was released and in November "Mein bester freund". This movie was also recorded in English (My best friend). Heintje sung in English in this movie.

July 28. In London, the director of the record-company, gives Heintje a further 2 golden records ; 1 from Australia and 1 from New Zealand.

Also the trophy "Silver Vessel" of Radio Veronica was awarded this year to Heintje !!!

On August 8, he appeared for the first time on English television. During Ed Stewart's show "Stew Pot" he sung "I'm your little boy".

And again in London, on August 24, he received 2 golden records, for the sale of 2,000,000 singles.

September 5, in Holland KRO put on a special show on Ned.1, for the 90th Birthday of Robert Stolz. Heintje sung two songs, especially written for him ; "Bei uns zu Haus ist es schön" and "Mondlicht geht durch alle Bäumen".

Invited by Mike Curb, director of the record-company MGM, Heintje appeared for the first time on American TV on September 17, in the show "The Chevrolet-Show", next to Gene Kelly. It was also the start of a tour through America, with a new appearance in "The Chevrolet-Show" on September 20. On November 14 he did 4 shows for the "Coast to coast" TV Specials.

In England, there was gold again for the sale of 1,000,000 singles "I'm your little boy". The total of golden records was now 28 !!!

Family Simons moved to their new home, a villa "O sole mio" in Moresnet (Belgium).

On December 23, Heintje received the "Golden Screen Award" in Münich, as a result of more than 3,000,000 attendances within 12 months, for the movie "Ein Herz geht auf reisen".

The movie "Morgen fällt die Schule aus" (School breaks up tomorrow) premiered on May 27, in Münich.

In The Netherlands his success went down a bit, but in other countries the little Limburger had much more success. In America, Heintje started a tour with 10 shows.

Heintje had to stop for a break.

In Munich, on January 24, he received a further 12 golden records :

* 5 x Heintje (LP) (2,500,000 sales)
* 2 x Weihnachten mit Heintje (LP) (1,250,000 sales)
* 3 x Ich sing ein Lied für dich (LP) (750,000 sales)
* 1 x Dein schönster Tag (LP) (250,000 sales)
* 1 x Heidschi bumbeidschi (Single) (1,000,000 sales)

The count is now 40 golden records, and in the mean time he also received 10 platinum discs.

The year when he turned 18, Heintje made a tour in Indonesia. There were two performances at the Jakarta Stadium, in front of more than 85.000 people !!! He was also the guest of President Suharto and his wife.

On December 2, Hein was back on German television. He was invited by Peter Alexander to sing on the show "Peter Alexander's Wunschkonzert".

Heintje toured South Africa in April, although danger lurked because of the ongoing war. He still made two special records, "Jou Hart Is Weer Myne" and "Heintje singt van liefde en verlange" which made him a great success.
In Moresnet (Belgium) Hein bought his own farm, including 40 hectares of meadowland and forest.

Heintje Simons is now called Hein Simons and made a comeback with the song "Weit Ist Der Weg Nach Santa Cruz".

Addy Kleijngeld died suddenly when he was on holiday. Hein was broken-hearted because his "second father" was no longer there for him. Addy was 54 years old.

Hein made a comeback in Holland with the single "Und Das Alles Nur Weil Wir Uns Lieben" and had a lot of success. It was also the last time Heintje was top of the charts in the Netherlands.

On December 11, Hein married Doris Uhl.

On March 24, a son, Pascal was born.
In August Hein made a tour in Australia, and in October he was back on stage in South Africa.

There was a new comeback. This time with the album "Herzensmelodie" and after the fall of the Berlin wall, he had great success in the former East Germany.
On February 10, a daughter, Gina was born.

On August 4, a second son, Hendrik was born.

He recorded the song "Ich Schenk Dir Meine Liebe". In his 43rd year he sang the song "Ein Bisschen Sonnenschein" with his daughter Gina.

In Germany, Hein was still very successful and made the album "Noch Einmal Mit Gefuhl". You can also hear the song "Tulpen Aus Amsterdam", especially sung for his love for his fatherland.

The songs "So Wie Ein Stern" and "Es Ist Nur Der Regen" came out in May in Germany.

Hein's second tour to South Africa. His third Afrikaans album, "Mayday" was released by Sheer Music.

Hein's new CD "Frauen sind was wunderbares" was released in April. A lot of beautiful songs and a bonus song where the real fan will say: "It gives me the creeps".
Hein reached the second place on the election of "Most successful album" by and Media-Control. He finished second only to the Beatles.

"Ich sag' danke" was released. A beautiful CD where Hein is singing to his fans: "Thank you for all the good years". On 12th August, Hein celebrated his 50th birthday.

Hein's newest CD "Männer sind einfach zu gut" was released.

This year is the end of co-operation with Ingrid Reith and Hein progressed further with Walter Strom. At the end of the year, Hein released a new Christmas album "Weihnachten mit Hein Simons", more than 40 years after the first Christmas LP.

The album "Heintje" reached first place in the election of "Most successful debut-album ever", by and Media-Control !! No other artist ever did better than our Hein !!!!!
The new CD "Träum mit mir" was released. During the year, Hein appears at the "Moeders mooiste moment" show in the Oktoberhall at Wieze, and also at the "Schlagerparade" at the Lotto-Arena in Antwerp. Both of these appearances in Belgium were very successful.
Our Site was launched on August 12.

The German language was added to the site in January. The Chinese language was added in March

The Beattles

The Beatles adalah salah satu grup musik rock populer sekaligus paling berpengaruh di era modern. Beranggotakan John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, dan Ringo Starr, kebanyakan lagu mereka ditulis oleh Lennon dan McCartney. Popularitas mereka sedemikian tingginya di Britania Raya sehingga di tahun 1963 pers menelurkan istilah "Beatlemania". Mereka juga kemudian meraih sukses di Amerika Serikat dan seluruh dunia.

Dibentuk di Liverpool tahun 1959 dengan formasi awal John Lennon (Vokal, Gitar), Paul Mc Cartney (Vokal, Gitar), George Harrison (Vokal, Gitar), Stuart Sutcliffe (Bass) dan Pete Best (Drum). Namun tak lama kemudian Stuart Sutcliffe mengundurkan diri (hijrah ke Jerman dan menikahi Astrid Kircherr dan meninggal disana tahun 1962 akibat pendarahan di otak). Lalu pada tahun 1962 Pete Best hengkang dari The Beatles, dan posisinya digantikan oleh Richard Starkey alias Ringo Starr

Manager The Beatles, Brian Eipstein, pertama kali mengenal Beatles lewat banyaknya request pembeli piringan hitam di toko musiknya. Pertama kali Brian mencoba menawarkan Beatles kepada Decca Record, label besar perusahaan rekaman kala itu. Audisi bisa didapat, hanya saja manajemen Decca berpendapat bahwa kelompok musik gitar sudah lewat masa tenarnya. Kendati keempat pemuda menjadi patah arang, Brian akhirnya bisa mendapatkan audisi bagi mereka di satu label rekaman, Parlophone, yang sejatinya adalah perusahaan rekaman untuk siaran radio. George Martin, manajer Parlophone, setuju, dan dimulailah perekaman untuk album pertama The Beatles yang bertajuk "Please Please Me". Lagu Please Please Me dan Love Me Do merupakan andalan untuk album tersebut.{Wikipedia}

Rabu, 20 Januari 2010

Cyber Crime melanda ATM

Modus pembobolan ATM sedang marak di setiap daerah tindak pelakunya tentu bukan orang sembarangan setidaknya sang pelaku mempunyai ilmu yang cukup lumayan tentang teknologi modern zaman sekarang, alhasil ! amblas uang para nasabah bank. maka dari itu berhati-hati dalam ber-transaksi baik di ATM maupun di Internet Banking, terutama ketika memasukan code pin anda. Waspadalah ! karena orang jahat itu lebih pintar dari yang pintar.

Minggu, 17 Januari 2010

Animo penggemar tembang lawas

Kumpulan tembang-tembang lawas dari masa ke masa untuk mengenang kembali masa kejayaan belantika musik pada tahun 1960,70,80,90'an, dan survey membuktikan bahwa penggemar musik-musik lawas atau jadul (jaman dulu) tidak di dominasi oleh para kaum manula saja akan tetapi oleh para REMAKO (REMAja KOlot) dan juga oleh para ABG (Anak Baru Gede). tak ayal para kolektor musik luar maupun dalam negeri mem-publikasikannya kembali dalam berbagai format media Mp3, Mp4, Tape dan media lainnya. Di dunia maya-pun sudah marak situs-situs jejaringan yang menyediakan tembang-tembang lawas dari yang Gratis-an hingga yang berbayar. Saya pun menyediakan beberapa tembang lawas dari mancanegara khususnya Hit Indonesia pada jaman baheula, sebagai tambahannya saya sisipkan pula Lirik dan Chord-nya.

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